London's Carnaby Street will don it's temporary new name 'Carnabee Street' from 8-14th July in a celebration of Bees' Needs Week, a week-long campaign highlighting the needs of our favourite insects, bees. Why is a campaign necessary you say? Bees are integral to human life. If bees die out, humans have just four years to live. We must make sure they thrive.
Using its platform as a popular London hub of activity for good, 'Carnabee Street' will launch their pop-up hive at 3 Newburgh Street W1F 7RE where visitors can get up close and personal with the insects that help sustain our lives so intelligently. You'll be able to observe our black and yellow furry friends and interact with them via a virtual reality headset, and take part in an array of educational and fun activities such as talks and installations. Also making a bee-line for the action, Kingly Court's The Rum Kitchen and Whyte & Brown will serve limited edition cocktails 'Sweet Ting' and 'Honey 75' with £1 from each sale going to The Bumblebee Conservation Trust.
If your greenwashing bell is ringing, quiet it down; Carnaby Street's bee-themed efforts are not coming out of the blue. The vibrant Soho destination is quite the bee haven, with over 160,000 bees living in hives across the rooftops of Carnaby, thanks to the 850 flower window boxes, planters and hanging baskets spread across its 14 streets.
Want to know how you yourself can help sustain the lives of bees? Here are Bumblebee Conservation Trust's five simple action points:
Grow more flowers, shrubs and trees
Let your garden grow wild
Cut your grass less often
Don’t disturb insect nest and hibernation spots
Think carefully about whether to use pesticides
Monday 8th July - Sunday 14th July
Carnaby 'Carnabee' Street, Soho, London