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Petitions to sign: human rights, animals, health, money, citizenship, education

It's the simplest form of activism there is. A Sunday type of activism, if you will. Positive procrastination, perhaps. A fulfilling scroll on the loo.

Recommendation: sign them all, then go through your emails confirming your email address afterwards (not after signing each petition).

P.S. This list is by no means exhaustive and will be updated frequently. If there's a petition you think should be on this page, email us here.

Environment, climate, the natural world

Body Grassland in Yili, Xinjiang, China
Body Grassland in Yili, Xinjiang, China

UK: deliver real leadership on climate change

It’s time for the UK to deliver real leadership on climate change:

1) Fossil fuels: stop new fossil fuel projects and create millions of new jobs in renewable energy, green homes and clean transport.

2) Finance: legislate to stop banks and investors from funding climate-wrecking industries.

3) Forests: genuinely protect forests, oceans and nature.

4) Fairness: increase funds for climate action in countries on the frontline and reverse cuts to the aid budget.

Tell Boris Johnson to get off the gas

Deliver an Emergency Energy Package that stops fuelling rising energy bills, the climate crisis and war:

1) Stop buying Russian gas and funding Putin’s war

2) Invest in insulation for homes, replacement boilers and a taskforce of trained experts.

3) Turbo charge renewable energy and upgrade the grid ”

No new coal mines in the UK

Stop plans for a new coal mine in Cumbria now and commit to end the era of coal in the UK.

No more new oil drilling and gas exploration

Ask those in charge to commit to no new oil or gas in the North Sea and support oil and gas workers and communities in the transition towards renewable energy.

Cancel the Cambo oil field development

Kwasi Kwarteng, the Business Secretary, is refusing to cancel the Cambo oil field development from going ahead. The new oil field will produce climate pollution equal to 16 coal-fired power plants running for a year.

Just weeks after the latest IPCC climate report put humanity on code red, the North Sea oil project was set to move ahead with the company about to install key infrastructure to the drilling site. But the oil company panicked and backtracked with the government's permit process in total chaos.

With the oil company ready to install key drilling equipment in the North Sea at first notice and government permission an utter mess we can’t hang around.

We must tell Kwasi Kwarteng, the key government decision maker for the Cambo oil field, to stand up for the planet and to stop Cambo now!


Shell: leave the whales alone!

Shell wants to blast extremely loud shockwaves into the Wild Coast of South Africa, a fragile and beautiful ecosystem that is a vital whale breeding ground.

Each shockwave is louder than a space shuttle launch, and local whales, dolphins, sharks and turtles will be subjected to them every 10 seconds, for five months, in whale mating season.

Scientists are clear we cannot drill for more oil and gas and meet our climate targets - and the use of seismic waves could have a devastating impact on the health of marine life. If successful, the operations would also disrupt the local communities that depend on eco-tourism and fishing for their livelihoods.

Thanks to local resistance, Shell has suffered a setback in court and had to halt its blasts for now. But we cannot rest on our laurels - the oil giants will challenge this decision.

Make the use of free-running snares illegal for trapping wildlife

The Government should prohibit the sale, use and manufacture of free-running snares under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, putting them in the same category as self-locking snares, which are already illegal.

We believe that people setting free-running snares cannot ensure animal welfare as required under the Animal Welfare Act 2006, that such snares cause unnecessary suffering to mammals, are indiscriminate and should be banned.

Save Bees from deadly pesticides

Enforce a total ban on bee-killing pesticides.

Human rights violations: sex, gender, love inequality

Ensure Trans people are fully protected under any conversion therapy ban

Ensure any ban fully includes trans people and all forms of conversion therapy.

The government's own figures show that trans people are nearly twice as likely to be at risk of experiencing the harmful & degrading practices of conversion therapy. A ban needs to ensure all forms of conversion therapy are banned.

Human rights violations: employment

People working on a construction project in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
People working on a construction project in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Hermes: Protect all your drivers now!

Guarantee all workers, including new drivers you are recruiting, get the legal minimum wage and sick pay.

Parcel delivery firm Hermes are hiring for 10,000 new jobs to cope with the huge increase in demand for online shopping during the coronavirus pandemic.

But, Hermes is facing criticism that it doesn’t protect all of their delivery drivers. Many drivers still don’t receive any sick pay and aren’t guaranteed the legal minimum wage. It just isn’t fair. It's time Hermes did more to ensure all staff receive basic workers rights. Sign the petition to pressure Hermes to do more to protect all drivers now!

Citizenship and other countries

Don’t punish those trying to find safety: open letter to Priti Patel

Dear Home Secretary Priti Patel,

Please provide safe refuge for the people risking their lives to get to the UK by boat and ensure the UK prioritises saving lives, rather than punishing refugees and migrants.

No person would take a life threatening journey across the sea unless they were desperate. These are human beings who are trying to protect their children and find safety and a better life for their family - to punish them for this is inhumane.

The UK must not move towards a system that punishes people looking for safety and in need of refuge, we’ve seen what these policies like these can lead to elsewhere in the world.

Instead, Britain should aspire to be a country that stands up for those who are in danger and welcomes those that need a home.


Thousands of members of the British public

Justice for Tamir Rice: investigate the murder

More than a year after police shot and killed my 12-year-old cousin Tamir Rice as he played in a park with a toy gun, a grand jury declined to charge the officers who opened fire on Tamir in less than 2 seconds of arriving to the scene. My family is saddened and disappointed– but we are not surprised. Since Tamir was killed, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy McGinty has been on the side of the police -- manipulating the grand-jury process so that they would vote against indicting the officers. We need the U.S. Department of Justice to step in to conduct a real investigation into the killing of a 12-year-old child.

Even though video shows police shooting Tamir immediately, Prosecutor McGinty hired so-called expert witnesses to tell the grand jury their conduct was reasonable and justified. It is unheard of, and highly improper, for a prosecutor to hire "experts" to try to exonerate the targets of a grand-jury investigation. These are the sort of "experts" we would expect the officer's criminal-defense attorney to hire — not the prosecutor. He gave the officers special treatment which would never be given to non-police suspects. The Department of Justice has launched independent investigations into police killings of civilians before. Last year, they launched one in response to the killing of John Crawford, who, like Tamir, had a toy gun in his hand while shopping at a Walmart when police rushed in and shot him to death. A petition helped make that investigation happen and that’s why I need your signature. Please sign my petition asking the Department of Justice to launch a federal investigation into prosecutor McGinty's handling of the grand jury process; and for the killing of 12 year old Tamir Rice.

-LaTonya Goldsby 


A sign reads 'thank you NHS'


Bank of England, London, United Kingdom
Bank of England, London, United Kingdom

Rishi Sunak: make oil and gas giants pay for soaring energy prices, not ordinary people

Commit to a windfall tax on the mega profits of fossil fuel giants Shell and BP and ensure ordinary people don’t pay for the energy crisis.

Amazon: pay the digital services tax yourself

Amazon - pay the new 2% digital services tax rather than passing on the cost to small businesses struggling to get by.

By the time you finish this sentence, Amazon boss Jeff Bezos will have made £12,000.

But despite its massive wealth, Amazon has started wriggling out of paying a new UK digital tax - by passing the extra cost directly onto the small businesses that use its website. At a time when these businesses are struggling to get by, it’s an indefensible decision.

The UK Government introduced the new tax in April, to try to make massive digital companies like Amazon pay their fair share. But even though Amazon has made billions during the coronavirus crisis - and only paid 2% tax on it’s UK earnings last year - the company has found a way to get out of paying the new tax by directly hurting small businesses. Let's show them that is not acceptable.


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Human rights violations: war and violence

A building with 'world peace' written on it multiple times.
World peace is utterly possible. Human peace is what needs work.

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