Song #2
Green Tourmaline
Written and performed by Love. Co-produced with Dr. Benstein.
Written and recorded in London, UK, spring 2021
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Words to pay heed to...
Green tourmaline
Within me
Stirring up
Love and luck
For so long latent, confined to dreams
Take my hand, tourmaline
Cleansing green, helping me, to release and be free
Healing in forestry
Clarify, and with courage, let me see what Love would see
Distorted thoughts of lovelessness and scarcity
Polarise to what's right, with alchemy
Take my hand, tourmaline
Cleansing green, helping me, to release and be free
Healing in forestry
Clarify, and with courage, let me see what Love would see
Growth, don't stop
Explore salvation in metamorphic rock
We are a race reliant on help, the ideas of other people, all the answers in ourselves
Before the drugs, try claim your power and Mother Nature's love
Within this Earth is all that we need
Wake up from the absurd, accept reality, and it's green
Take my hand, tourmaline
Cleansing green, helping me, to release and be free
Healing in forestry
I want life, I will courage
May I be as love would be
How did Green Tourmaline come to be?
Head to my Instagram, @andlifeisparadise, then click on the highlight called 'Green Tourmaline' to watch the story of the making of the second song. Plus, I have recorded a more detailed explanation of the song, which you can listen to below.

A scene from the time of creation. I was reading You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay and picking cards from an oracle set I got free with a personal attunement essence. I was also cradling my rose quartz crystal pendulum, to open my heart.
The oracle card picked says:

The first page of You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. For me this was a majorly transformative book. At the end of each section there is a prayer/affirmation, and there are exercises to try while reading.

Post recording session notes.

After a recording session, Ben and I were walking back to my home, and I saw these three books at the top of my road. Someone was giving them away, and I knew they were for me. So far I have read The Laws of Nature, which completely resonated with the questions I was asking at the time. Oh, the magic of following intuition.

Dr Benstein, healing in forestry

Lyrics in hand, ready to sing