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The Truth Project

I want to talk to you about the spiritual side of life. All people, equipped with the Universal Wisdom that is a Universal experience, can learn how to not only survive but thrive. How to enjoy life to the fullest by following the path of the heart. In the future, this learning, this remembering, will be in all school curriculums, and the information will be widely accepted as necessary to grasp. I am here to share it with you now, to start giving us all a chance at really living our lives away from the wheel of suffering most of us are stuck on. There is always a way out, the way of love is never far.

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My Story

I am Patience.


I am in my 20s, from London. I was born on this Earth and yet somehow that key fact was never made clear, nor explained. Because of this, I grew up merrily in unconsciousness, taking on the stories, beliefs, traumas and fears of the collective - the family of Life, which includes all manifestations of life, since we all come from the same source. Growing up in a genetically female body, I saw the way women were treated, I saw the violence and anger of men, and the lack of respect and integrity being exhibited by my fellow humans. This made me not want to grow up - this made me fearful of others, and of life itself.


And so that is the belief, the way of being, that governed my life experience from the ages of around 11 - 20. It was only when I had reached a stage of wordly success - a career in magazine editorial I'd always dreamt of - money in the bank - a glamorous lifestyle - beautiful things - that I felt the call to something higher, something more fulfilling. I had reached a point I'd been reaching for, and felt deflated. What's next? Is this it? Working and buying and eating and drinking and waking up everyday to do it all again. As these internal questions rose, I started to see signs. Physical signs, giving me clues to the answer of this question. I walked past a shop named 'FRENCH LESSONS' en route to work for at least 5 months until the idea came to me like a light bulb switching on miraculously and suddenly: 'if I feel like I'm going nowhere where I am, why don't I try something new? Open a new door so more opportunities can come in, because I'm not satisfied with what currently is.' It was a dream of mine to learn French, and family connections in the South allowed me a place to stay, so I took my savings and went off on my adventure.


For the full story of my life so far, you'll have to wait for my book! But here's the deal: three years later walking down a path of following my intuition - my inner wisdom - has brought me to where I needed to go, who I needed to meet, and has brought up many things to be healed. Weights that I was holding onto have been transmuted. I now live a miraculous life in constant presence. My consciousness is higher than I ever thought it could be, and in each moment it expands. The affirmative phrase I hold in my awareness rings true: 'I Trust The Process of Life. All I Need Is Always Taken Care Of. I Am Safe'.


And now that I have become a very sacred version of my Self - one who is in constant connection with the Source of Life itself - the wisdom that consistently and abundantly pours through me wants to be shared.


I am a meditation guide, energy healer, plant medicine practitioner, musician, artist, and so much more. I give talks and workshops on Universal Wisdom and practical tools to help people of all ages grasp their essence, away from the learned behaviour and the fear we all carry. I am learning how to enjoy life - how to be one with it - how to change my mind to suit me and alter the life I want to experience - and what one learns, one teaches. 


If you feel you, your friendship group, your bosses, your employees, students, your colleagues, your children, your faith group, your tribe, could benefit from hearing the truth that will make your/their hearts sing, and allow you/them to start living a more pleasant, abundant, loving, fun, adventurous, healthy, joyful and vibrant life, contact me, Patience, to have The Truth Project come to you.


A note about fees

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