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Allow Me To Splurge My Soul

The world is not working. Nothing about our existence is working. The only thing keeping us afloat is the love that exists in the world, the love that is the world itself.

We treat the planet as a resource to take from because we don't understand it. We separate ourselves from other people and their existences because we are living under the conditioned illusion that we are not connected. We hate ourselves so we hate others. We judge and restrict our own happiness so we judge and restrict others. We shame ourselves, deny ourselves pleasure, make rules that harm us, make selfish decisions that may only relieve us of our pain in the short term but push salvation even further out of reach in the long term. All we think and believe is energy, projected inwards to create self-fulfilling prophecies in our own lives, and projected outwards onto every human and other living being we come across, and onto the world as a whole. I have come to understand there is no other way to fix this terrible and sad mess than to fix our own selves. Then, the world may be saved.

Perhaps you have found yourself here because you look at the state of Earth and wonder why all these terrible things are happening. Why the natural world is burning, drowning, being plundered for resources. Why inequality exists within the human race. Why animals are treated with such disrespect, as commodities in the world of humans. Why most humans (bar the 1%) are used as commodities just as much as animals are. Here is an answer for you: life does not happen to us. Life is constantly responding to us.

Let’s take a look at the general consensus of humanity right now: every being is separate, out for themselves. Now let’s look at the world, how it is reflecting this view: an absurd compilation of fear, regret, anger, pain, destruction, disrespect and disregard for basic kindness, where most hold, mostly unconsciously, a die-and-let-die approach to fellow life. What could it be like, then, if we chose to agree on a more real truth – such as the absolute interconnectedness of everything and everyone?

We would remember that all life forms - animals, humans and plants too - are part of the family of life. We would treat them as we would like to be treated – with respect, care and love. The same would go for the whole of the natural world. No more selfishly stealing from nature. We would understand that our thoughts and actions don’t just affect the world, but make it what it is. We would be happier and healthier. We would quite literally save the world, and of course, ourselves. The two go hand in hand. The two are one and the same.​

What is right for animals is right for us too. What is right for our self is right for all humans regardless of nationality, race, sex, religion, all these fleeting identities that we don't get to take with us when we die. They are not real, not really, because "nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God." - A Course in Miracles.

This is the truth that most of us do not yet understand, a self-deception that is the root cause of all suffering: every single living thing, including the Earth itself, including this Universe and all Universes and ALL - is intrinsically connected. We are all connected by the same energy or life force that keeps us breathing and the Earth turning. All minds are connected. Our human eyes see us as separate but this is an illusion. All is one.

This means that when we disrespect another being, we are disrespecting our self. When we hurt another being, we are hurting our self. And the problem does not lie within the other person or being. Everything stems from within, everything comes from the mind. We are at a point in the evolutionary tale of life where we humans have come so far. We have these incredible minds that are ruling everything and so they must be reformed, trained, because the mind is so powerful that thoughts and beliefs and words create reality. This is such a fantastic thing to grasp because here lies salvation. WE CAN CHANGE. The seemingly never-ending spiraling cycle of death, pain and destruction can end, and you, reading this, have the power to do so. How? By surrendering the thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you, thoughts that are not of love and oneness with all. That's it. You don't have to give up your job and try to save the external world. This will come later for you, your natural way of helping life evolve sustainably will reveal itself by the power of surrender, but first, it all starts from within.

When you are existing from a place of love and interconnectedness with all, LIFE IS PARADISE. Things change. Situations that seem impossible suddenly become infused with ease. Relationships become easier. Insights come and you will know your purpose in life. Meaningful work will flow with abundance, as will money. Your world as you know it will become more beautiful, peaceful and loving, because you will be actively looking for the beauty, practicing peace, and loving yourself unconditionally. Only then can you truly love and understand others and access the infinite and eternal source of energy that can save us from the inner and therefore outer turmoil that is current life on Earth.


And so, friend, you, part of the family of life, take a breath: all is not lost. You have the power to change the world and it comes from reforming your mind. From letting go of the lies you've been fed about who you are. From letting go of who you think you should be and accepting who and what you really are: a Divine, beautiful, wonderful, peaceful, happy and loving being, connected with all. Abundance like you could only dream of will come your way, if your mind is in the right state. That state, is love. The current state of the majority of us is fear. This story below may help clarify what I mean when I use the words love and fear like this. Think of the light wolf as a symbol of love and the dark wolf a symbol of fear:

It doesn't matter your age, where you are in the world, where you come from or what you've been taught. It does not matter your life situation, whether you were born in a palace or into a community of terrorists underground. We are, at our core, all the same - beings of pure, unconditional love - and we all have the same opportunity for salvation, to become free. Some have more to overcome. Some people are in terrible and dangerous situations. This means their journey to freedom may be harder, longer, but it does not mean it is impossible.


We have all lived many, many, many lives. Not just as humans, too. In these lives we may have experienced the depths of despair and pain, and great worldly riches and power. The people you pass everyday are not what they look like. Their current life situation is not everything. It is not who they are, it does not define them. It is merely the current life, one of many. So never judge someone's journey - such as hating someone for having something you don't have - it is not all in their control, we are born into the situation we are born into and, once in the womb, have no control over that whatsoever. I currently believe that our souls know what needs to be learnt in the next life, what we missed in the last one, and looks around the options and picks the family/life situation that could best achieve this. For example, if your soul knows it needs to enter a human life to learn the lesson of claiming your own power, perhaps it would select a family with parents who constantly put you down and condition you to believe you are powerless and weak. And it is your job to unlearn what is not true and find freedom in what is. Yes, life must be difficult for a time at this evolutionary stage, because we cannot know light without dark. There would be no point being born as an all-knowing human. The human experience is one of imperfection and conscious evolution, constant ups and downs. If we knew it all, we wouldn't have to be a human again.

The unlearning is a necessary part of life. We cannot possibly know peace if we have not experienced a lack thereof. Salvation can only come when you realise there is another way, despite what you have been taught, despite what you think you know is truth, and start to accept responsibility for getting yourself there, back to who you truly are, and into a life of abundance and love, a life which you deserve to enjoy after a long, grueling existence of lies and resistance to what we truly are: that of Spirit.

In the end, when God/Source/Life or as I and Hermetists like to refer to it, THE ALL (because, as Ms. Lauryn Hill says, "everything is everything"), wakes up from the dream that is life, we will all be home. By which I mean, we will all have completed our journeys home to ourselves, home to the eternal Spirit within, our natural state of inner peace. So yes, you have all the time in the world to figure it out and get your feet firmly on this path. The path can be painful as you let go of resistance to who you really are. But if you have the intention to do so, to let go of what is not to bask in the glory of what is, you will thrive and life will be paradise. This does not mean everything will be perfect and you'll have no problems and experience no pain. It simply means that everything that comes your way is manageable. So problems and pain do subside and vanish in a way. Once you see it all as a blessing, it becomes as such. That to me is paradise. Not being easily swayed by the sometimes harsh waves of life, the energies of others. Being grounded in a delightful truth. Paradise is a mindset. As is hell.

Heaven and hell are on Earth, in your very mind. Look around: separation, isolation, fear, anger, death, destruction, pain, cruelty. Look within: how do you speak to yourself? With love and support or with disgust and judgement? The voice you listen to or the wolf you feed (see photo above) creates your reality. Whether you are born into a life situation that more naturally encourages a heaven-like mindset (an encouraging, loving, spiritual, smart, wise, conscious, financially secure, open-minded and accepting family) or closer to hell (the opposite) is not your fault and you, in this life, did not choose it. I think our souls know exactly what they're doing, but cannot exactly anticipate how life might pan out, and so things do not always go to plan. We get hurt; we get beaten down. And after we've been beaten down enough, we start to continue the cycle by beating ourselves down, especially if it's all we've ever known.

What you can choose, once you are ready to open up to the fact there is another way, the only real way to exist and break the patterns of pain you've always known and in later life perpetuated, is to start your journey home to yourself. I am here, and that is how I am writing this to you right now.

You can find out more about me by perusing this website. The important thing is that I lived a decade under fear (see photo above for all that falls under fear). After a happy, dreamy childhood I saw what was coming, I saw what was expected of me as a human woman, and I was scared. I did not like what I saw and I tried to put off this reality for as long as I possibly could. Life was hell because I hated myself and thus everyone and everything. Nothing was safe, because my mind was not a safe place.

Things got bad and at my darkest point, on one of many stays on a hospital ward, I saw through my fellow patients what my life would be if I continued down that road. I did not like what I saw. A survival instinct I didn't know was there kicked in. It was as if an inner guide/teacher/strong, determined, protective parent took over and I got myself out of a dire situation. This small act of determination to get free set the pendulum in motion. Everything began to change, very slowly, but in a clear direction, which I can see now even though I probably was not aware of it at the time. That was back when I was in my mid-late teens. Now I am 24.

For the last two years I have been committed to choosing love in all situations. It has been painful to look to the past and forgive myself and be compassionate towards the terribly sad girl within. But when I did so, forgiving others was easier. I learnt what I am telling you, that how I feel about myself is projected onto others. 'Oh, so that's why I am attracting men I don't love and why strangers are scary and why my relationships are weak', I learnt. What I am trying to convey is that making the transition from living not just this lifetime, but all lifetimes up until the moment of consciousness arrives, fuelled by fear, into life fuelled by love, is not smooth. But faith in the process keeps you going. Faith of what awaits after you push through the resistance to self-love is strong. At times I noticed the struggle, the craziness, the sometimes overwhelming intensity of it all. But as Neale Donald Walsch says of his experience of being channeled whilst in communication with what he calls God, "I never seriously considered stopping".

Soon after you wake up, and set the intention of choosing love from now on, things will change and you will notice. From then on, you will hold onto those moments of love and peace that will fuel you the rest of your journey, which never ends. It just gets easier and better and better.

So here you are. This probably means I'm preaching to the converted, or that you're at a brilliant point, the point of no return (and why would you want to return) where your life is about to become what it is supposed to be. Not all suddenly, also gradually, it is a process that cannot be rushed. And perhaps you consciously or subconsciously called for help. As the Hermetists' Kybalion states, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear". What's really amazing is that what I am writing right now this very second is coming from the same part of me that resides in you. Our core, our true selves who know all this already and who are engaged in human lives in which the point of it all is to remember. I am not sharing anything you do not already know. I do not know more than you or am more wise than you or better in any way. We are the same, it was simply my time in this life to, and I used my God-given willpower, to choose to remember.

“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding"—The Kybalion.

You are here in this present moment, the only point in time that exists for sure, the only point in time where change can be made. Do not put your happiness off into the future where it will always be out of reach. Choose love right here, right now, and your life will transform before your very eyes. Let go of what is not (anything but love), and you will leave room for what is (unconditional love) to fill you up and take over your life, in the same way fear does. But there's no real battle. Love will always win, because "nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God." Believe it and so it is.

After so much conditioning to think otherwise, it takes work and commitment to change the way the mind thinks, but it is 100% possible. So you do what you need to do. Set hourly reminders to arrive in the present moment, and to breathe consciously through your nose until you forget, and remember again. Read books by people, who like me, have been blessed to remember The Truth. Listen to podcasts. Watch TV on the subject. There is so much encouragement out there as we are headed towards the critical mass of consciousness. Author James Redfield predicts in life-changing book The Celestine Prophecy that by 2030 the majority of us will be conscious. I think so too - AND SO IT IS! See how this works?

“'Once we reach the critical mass’, he continued, ‘and the insights begin to come in on a global scale, the human race will first experience a period of intense introspection.'"- The Celestine Prophecy. Seems to me like the coronavirus crashing into our lives, taking our jobs and forcing us inside could've been Divine intervention (intervention by God/Source/THE ALL), as it did facilitate an opportunity for intense introspection. Or perhaps it's a case of karmic debt for the unacknowledged hate that most of us hold inside. Powered by the universal law of cause and effect. Nothing comes from outside of the mind... I hold both ideas in my head, not looking for an answer. I digress!

Ask Life for what you want, ask for help and guidance, for teachers, and you shall receive, only if you are open to do so. Clear yourself by eating well and consciously. Drink enough water. Drink less alcohol. Sleep when you're tired. Meditate to connect to Source, for loving energy, and to remember. Exercise. Thank your body, imagine it filling up with the golden energy of unconditional love before you sleep and as soon as you wake up. Do what you need to do to help yourself. But it all starts from the same action: making a choice in one moment, to choose love. Just put it out there that that is what you intend to do, and would like help, please, in doing so, then stay alert and present, do your practices, saving yourself. And thus the world is saved. As I said, it is all going this way, we are all home-bound, love-bound, anyway. You can be swept along until you are forced to change, or you can take charge and be courageous enough to step away from the lies of your conditioned, temporary identity and choose to believe what you absolutely know to be true, no matter how hidden, no matter how much bullshit has been piled on top of this truth: YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY, WHICH IS TO BE YOUR SELF - YOUR TRUE SELF. Self with the big S, as Marianne Williamson says. Because you are happiness itself. You are peace itself. You are love itself. That's why I labelled myself Love. It's a constant reminder of what I am. And that anything else of me that is not love, is temporary - and is just simply not.

What you're reading now, this is what it is to be a "creative channel for the Universe" as says Shakti Gawain in her book Living in the Light. You just know stuff. You feel great. And when you don't feel great, you're able to identify why, and to get over any hurdles with unbelievable ease and grace and even, especially, gratitude. What does not serve you will leave your life, if you let it. Abundance will take its place. Abundance of love, money, opportunities, fulfillment, fun, excitement, pleasure, beauty, serenity, serendipity, magic, joy, peace.

The reward for working to release what I am not, to be my full true Self, is that I get to be my full true Self. The natural gifts that Source/God/THE ALL imbued me with in this lifetime have come to the surface, as have the opportunities to work on them and share them. All my dreams have, will, and are coming true. This statement is a powerful affirmation. Say it and so it is. You'll start to believe it when you say it, and so it is. It is THAT SIMPLE. You have the power all inside, no one can free you from your own personal hell but you. You may be physically saved from a terrible physical situation, but only you can change your mind. Believe it, and so it is.

RANT OVER! I love you, whoever you are. This would not be possible if I did not love myself. But finally, after a long road of many lifetimes and a rough ride in this one, I do. And I am free. I know you want to be free too because you wouldn't be on this site, still here reading the end of this essay, if you didn't. So bless you, bless us all, and THANK YOU, ALL!

Written after hearing the news of the end of UK military mission in Afghanistan


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