We all want to say the right thing.
We all want to be cool in the face of things that shock us.
How many of us interact with people who are transgender in our daily lives?
For me, it is sadly not so common. Therefore, I suggest we all follow a couple of cool transgender people on Instagram, to expose ourselves to the culture. With exposure comes less shock, more normalcy. It’s ok to be surprised – it’s a brave new world! Exposure will help.
Upgrade your Instagram
“I’m beyond proud to be the first openly trans person to feature on the cover of an English language Rolling Stone title”

To me, gender expression is allowed to be as malleable, as flexible, as a contortionist’s body. Gender and sex are as disposable as takeaway coffee cups. We can’t take these things, these identities with us when we die, so where’s the reality in them? Where’s the importance in them?
Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God. (ACIM, Preface.1:1-3)
I see the rise in awareness of and demand for equal respect for people who have transmuted, transformed, transcended their sex born at birth, or gender identity they were assigned as a baby, as an important step for humanity. I also think that non-binary is the future, and hope we can all experience the joy of simply being, rather than being this or that temporary thing.
See them on your screen: TV recommendation
Pose is an amazing programme with a stellar cast of transgender actors, telling real, emotive, authentic, and stylish stories.
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Download graphics: https://lgbt.foundation/who-we-help/trans-people/trans-day-of-visibility
Have you ever been in a low place in your life, and someone is soothing you with words of truth and support, yet you don’t have the capacity or belief to take it in? Those words are still extremely beneficial. Words are vibrations, as are colours, pictures… everything! So, posting relevant graphics can be very beneficial indeed. Say your post reaches someone who is hateful towards the idea of transmuting gender… even them seeing the colours of the flag is beneficial. You are in this way helping them to be exposed to it. It is helpful to them, whether they know it or not!
These are little things we can do to help ourselves. And on a deeper level, the best way to be an ally to transgender people, non-binary people, ALL people – is to recognise that we are not our bodies! Our bodies are temporary. Our spirits, our souls, what keeps us going… they are infinite. They are all alike. And in this way, we are ONE.