My manifestations always come true because of the nature of the undeviating justice of this beautiful and complex universe. And for the first time since I was a young girl with a strong intention to make something specific happen, I am experiencing things being ticked off my list. Cosmic orders that I have placed in great wanting, yet always with the caveat “SHOULD IT BE THY WILL”. Ie “I think I would love this situation, and that it would serve me well - I’ll take it, should it be Thy will. Should it be in the highest good of all”.

And so to let the highest good of all unfold, and to surrender control to the universal unfolding through me, allowing myself to get out of my own way and be guided moment by moment on the path of liberation, I am noticing that what is manifesting is absolute wonder. Wonder: awe-inspiring.
What happens first is a situation arises to answer the call of what is wanted. This situation may be very challenging. How I respond to that situation governs whether or not I will receive the peace and blessings that manifest from that force of rising up to a universal challenge/opportunity. With each opportunity to change (each opportunity to respond to something difficult in an enlightened way) offers a level-up. Then, in the space that is created when energy is allowed to continue to flow through you, despite coming up against a situation where in the past you might have unknowingly formed an energy block, something new can emerge. It’s such a wonderfully predictable universal pattern, and works with all the universal laws. When one is ready to step up to this unfailing truth, one masters one’s life flow! And all by surrender. Surrendering to being led, moment to moment, by your inner wisdom. Your gut instinct.
There are so many things I have asked for over the years as I have been learning about the laws of manifestation and cosmic ordering, and how things work in this universe. And as I said before, things always come true because we manifest with every thought, word and deed.
Something is different this time though… it’s always “how much more space can you clear? How much of your ego/fear-based/false self can you let go of? How much love can you accept? How much can you have the courage trust your inner wisdom? How much can you forget and unlearn your conditioning? How much can you embrace the truth of your heart? How much happiness can you be comfortable with? How gracefully can you sit in moments of painful digestion and unknowing, with a deep sense that your path is unfolding as it should?
Things I have asked for are coming into my physical reality, to the T. And I look forward to the continuation of this because I deserve it!
If you feel some guidance could help you along your path at this time, and you resonate with this message, please discover how I can help you and get in touch 🕊