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Yom Kippur: How to Atone For Your Sins

Today is a High Holy Day for the world's Jews. This thought-piece is relevant for all humans. An inner-knowing-igniting read for those who are interested in esoteric conversation... with a mind open enough to consider the wisdom inherent in all religions.

Redefining 'atonement' and 'sinning'

The name 'Yom Kippur' for me connotes sadness - grief - this is the ‘Day of Atonement’ for Jews. Yom Kippur is a High Holy Day; a day of significance, where Jews (not all Jews of course, whoever resonates with it/was taught to honour the day somehow/cares) commit to a few things:

  1. To concentrate the mind on the subject of atonement, repentance, forgiveness

  2. To fast from the night before to the following evening

This is my perception from all the years I spent in synagogue on this day. It was always a sombre atmosphere.

Now I am grown, I have moved away from the religious side of being Jewish and enjoy more the community tribal aspect, the rituals, sometimes the wisdom, just not the structure itself. In fact, I feel grateful to be a part of the lineage. For what Judaism has given me and continues to offer me. A place; a support system. There are so many Jewish-only facilities… and even a country! (Israel)

With the utmost respect for my ancestors and this interesting lineage, I take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. Does this mean Judaism as it was might die out? Yes, probably. All religions will. They’ll transmute into their purest form, where there really is only Universal Truth. No ‘chosen ones’, just equal life forms operating from the volition and power source of unconditional, impersonal, compassionate love.

We're all sinners, here

I overheard my grandfather taking part in an online service last night, marking the Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur aka Passover. A judgemental thought popped into my mind, the kind that may be valid but still comes from the ego, the side of the ego that wants to feel better about itself and keep its identification with form by making itself ‘better than’. It’s always either ‘better than’ or ‘less than’. Both are unpleasant, because they’re not real.

Before this third Vipassana course I recently attended, as a kitchen server (shout-out Dhamma Dipa), I was totally addicted to positive thinking. I was identified with the blissful sensations that would accompany pleasant thoughts. Dangerous, because of course, nothing lasts. Pleasure passes, pain passes. Hanging on to one or the other is useless and a recipe for disappointment. Latching on, as we are trained to do, goes against Universal Law: Law of Impermanence, Law of Vibration… all the Laws basically. Attachment in this way literally goes against every Universal Law as stated in The Kybalion, a book of Hermetic philosophy (ancient Egyptian and Greek knowledge). What happens when we go against Universal Law? We are all alone. We feel separated. Like it’s us against the world, and that everything is happening to us. Not for us, or as a result of our actions. It becomes everyone and everything else’s fault.

Only after taking the medicine of that course did I remember again with wonderful clarity that real lasting peace comes from total acceptance, radial acceptance of what is right here right now - tapping into the infinite in each moment, the constant presence, the constant silent hum of… life itself… rather than the ‘what was’ or ‘what will be’ that the majority of humanity is predominantly stuck in. The ego never wants us to be present in the now. It is scared of it somehow. It is its death.

Back to that judgemental thought. It was something along these lines:

‘They’re all praying but they don’t understand what they’re praying about’

‘Do they even understand the words?’

‘Following blindly with no consciousness about it’


‘They don’t even know what atonement is, what sinning is!’

This last point came around again when I told my grandpa last night that today, I would be tuning in to the themes of this day, the ways in which I sin. He said I hardly sin. That made me think: you don’t know what a sin is!

The word sin makes many people very fearful, just like the name Jesus Christ does, or Heaven - it’s all wrapped up in traumatic religious toxicity. A SIN IS A LACK OF LOVE. And so we all constantly sin, consistently, until we choose/are able to be conscious of it and make it our mission to not do that. To come from love.

I remember one Yom Kippur at Alexandra Palace, North London (our synagogue always hosted there on High Holy Days to accommodate more people) there was a class for the younger people, getting us to engage with the themes of the day without having to sit with the adult congregation and morosely recite from one of the holy books. Both are good, and I admire Finchley Reform Synagogue for the inclusive services they offered me. I think they got us to write down what I would now call intentions. How we wanted to change for the better. I remember writing something like ‘turn over a new leaf / a new chapter / peace with my stepdad’ with whom, for many years, I was in an extremely unpeaceful relationship. Boy, did I atone for that (and still do).

ATONE: to forgive, to be forgiven. Self-forgiveness. Setting a strong determination to do better, to be better. To acknowledge what isn’t working; how we’ve been living in misery - and choosing to move past these ways.

Be a High Holy Day Hoe (enjoy them all)

What a fabulous opportunity it is to make the most of this annual occasion when, on this one day a year, a group of people who’ve been following a tradition because it’s been taught and passed down for many generations, hold a focus of acknowledgment of the ways in which in the year just passed (because Jewish new year has just happened - that’s called Rosh Hashanah), they have not been their most loving selves. Be a part of this day too. Acknowledge your wrongdoings and forgive yourself. Benefit from the power generated by the Jews reciting prayerful words and singing prayerful songs, building up a forcefield of energy and love in the synagogues and at home so we can all more easily forgive ourselves. When one human does the work we all benefit, in a distant yet tangible way.

Praying and meditating with others is so powerful. Even if you're not with others, you tuning in to your self on this day is bound to generate a richer experience, just due to the fact so many more people are in prayer on this day. I generally prefer meditating with others rather than alone - it strengthens the concentration, the vibe, the slight pressure to have that strong determination to stay meditating for the allocated time… in my experience.

I am not suggesting you try to get into a synagogue. Just to use the occasion of this day to tune in with your self. No need to pay heed to the religious aspect, it's unnecessary to you. You can, in your own way, be a part of this human tradition that generates love and goodwill and atonement.

Holy Days: Super-Energetically-Charged-Super-Days

Holy Days for any religion are good opportunities to use the enhanced energetic vibration of that day. On this day, a lot of Jews all around the world will be in prayer. This generates a lot of love. Prayer is love, because prayer is inner connection and mind-concentration. Holy Days are opportune moments to jump into that forcefield of prayer and be held in the energy of this concentrated day. Jewish kids might not be in school - adults might not work - many will spend the whole day at synagogue (Jewish temple). That’s a lot of concentrated energy being generated… tap into that forcefield and be held in it regardless of your religious upbringing…

In this way, High Holy Days of any religion are like full moon days, new moon days, equinoxes, solstices… all events when there is a sense of a heightened energy! All good opportunities to tune in! On a new moon the decided vibe (from personal experience) is that of re-birth, potential, space. With a full moon comes the completion of a 28 day cycle. Comes achievement, closure, the moment of the fullness of pregnancy of the last 28 days, the culmination of lessons learned, before the re-birth and the beginning of a new monthly cycle, a new lunar cycle.

Think about how many humans of all religious beliefs and nationalities take Christmas as an opportunity to get together with family and friends, and feast. For so many people it has nothing to do with religion, it’s accepted as a public holiday. An excuse to celebrate. My family does it, and we’re Jewish! It’s also now a marketing opportunity, a good way for companies to make money from people buying themed products, doing themed activities. Don’t mistake my vibe - I’m into it.

At the Core of Us All is Love, Sweet Love

Last year I spent Christmas alone in Mallorca. A unique occasion, never before experienced like that. I started the day with a meditation tuning into the immense gratitude I felt for all my blessings. To tap into Christ Consciousness. Otherwise called Krishna Consciousness, and Buddha Nature… Different words. Different methods. Same core feeling. Oneness. Universal Truth. That which can be grasped intellectually, and only truly known via direct experience. No rites, no rituals, no blind faith - belief from personal experience.

Journal Prompts for Atoning

Regardless of your religious beliefs, why not take the time to tune in with yourself today? You might find it easier to do so, to concentrate, because the fact is, a large number of humans, probably larger than usual, are practising concentration of the mind today. Why not use this day to reflect gently on the following themes:

☁️ Where in my life have I been un-loving?
☁️ Who am I harbouring ill-will towards?
☁️ What's my relationship like with myself?
☁️ What do I need to forgive myself for?
☁️ Who have I been unkind towards?
☁️ What do I need to forgive another for?
☁️ What can I release now?
☁️ How do I want to move forwards from this point?
☁️ What changes do I want to see in my life, my internal and external landscapes, my inner and outer journey?
☁️ What do I want now?
☁️ How do I want to show up in life?
☁️ How can I show up as my best self?
☁️ What is holding me back?


Love 🕊️



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